In the Exclusive Dominican Republic, envision a place with 1,000 miles of unspoiled coastlines overlooking a crystalline blue sea. Easy-going, imaginative, and exceptionally redeeming from every day cares and stress. This is the Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Resort in the captivating Dominican Republic – an all-inclusive vacation experience reserved for Members only and their guest. As a Member or a guest, your vacation lifestyle includes V.I.P amenities and services at the Lifestyle Holidays Vacation Resort in Puerto Plata and other premier travel spots throughout the world. Enjoy Members-only gourmet eateries and al fresco buffet dining. Relax at the private-access beach club with attentive service.

Experience live performing shows, beach-party extravaganzas, exciting casino nightlife, and so much more reserved for V.I. P’s members or their guest. Add in world-class golf, water sports, and endless island adventures…this is the lifestyle you deserve. Visiting other countries can be a great experience. Whether you are traveling for work or pleasure, solo or in a group, staying for a few days or several years, planning can help ensure your time abroad is both enjoyable and safe. Lifestyle Resort have always owed their guests a duty of security, beyond legal tradition, the resort has created a safe environment. Although as a traveler I watch my belongings and surroundings when I am at the airport, once I enter the mode of transportation arranged by the Lifestyle and shortly thereafter enter the hotel, I lower my guard because I feel secure. During the last 7 years I have traveled there at least once a year and return home feeling equally safe.